Hard to trust – Il nuovo singolo di Nico Di Lascio

Nico è un musicista italiano che vive di musica dall’età di 8 anni. Scrive musica rock, pop e classica. Il suo nuovo album si chiama “Tragedy of Dilemma”. Il suo nuovo singolo è…


“I’ve a secret.
Can I tell you?
I can’t say it beside her.
Take my dry hand,
I am shy, now…
…do not tell it anyone.”
But you, you betrayed my trust in you.
Why did you say it? You would help me…

Don’t you mind your lie?
Because now you are not credible.
Now you can go cry,
because now not talking is better.

“I’ve a secret.
can I tell you?
I can’t say it beside her.”
Don’t you feel it?
“I’m an open book”.
How could you do this to me?
But you, you cannot be my friend anymore,
because you said you would help me.


No. Yes you hurt me. Did you know?
Tell me, now, where are you going?
now I don’t know who to trust…
It’s so hard to trust,
trust in things that I don’t know,
trust the breath that takes me away;
but it keeps me here.

“I’ve a secret.
Can I tell you?
I can’t say it beside her.
Take my dry hand,
I am shy, now…
…do not tell it anyone.”
But you, you betrayed my trust in you.
Why did you say it? You would help me…


Sito web: https://www.nicodilascio.com/

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